As we began to peel back

As we began to peel back

As we began to peel back the layers of the organizational artichoke we found that the prickly parts were plentiful. The best and worst of humanity were alive and well. My beliefs about human decency and the impact of people choosing negativity over compassion were...
I took on a new contract

I took on a new contract

I took on a new contract with a nonprofit focused on black, brown & Pacific Islander students building resiliency and successfully completing a 4-year degree. The vision and mission of this organization is inspiring. And, there were old stories and practices that...
Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day can be tender for me. My mother passed away in December of 2007. So, when this holiday comes around I never know how it will impact me. This year I found myself celebrating my friends who are mothers and the mothers inside of us all. Thank you to the...
I continued to engage

I continued to engage

I continued to engage in my self-care practices of meditating, walking and eating well, which made me happy and proud. I am grateful that my physical health is on point. I am physically and mentally lighter which is a beautiful...
A year after the COVID pandemic rocked the world…

A year after the COVID pandemic rocked the world…

A year after the COVID pandemic rocked the world, this poem is still alive for me. I’m curious to hear what your thoughts about it are. An Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans Stop.Just stop.It is no longer a request.It is a mandate.We will help you.We will bring...
Black History month feels particularly

Black History month feels particularly

Black History month feels particularly poignant this year. As I move through spaces with a heightened sense of my racial identity I am full of emotions. I am tender, I am outraged, I am grateful and I am disappointed. One way I know to light my spirits and steady...